It is estimated that ataxia telangiectasia affects 1 in 100 000. This section argues that estimate and how the disease spreads

mind helvetica, physician sans-serif; font-size: 1em; background-color: #92d2dd; border: medium solid #333333; text-align: center;">One can be affected by ataxia telangiectasia with parents who are not.

cialis helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 1em; background-color: #92d2dd; border: medium solid #333333; text-align: center;">Each parent is carying an anomaly (in most cases).


AT is autosomal and recessive


that equally affects the two sexes.


In our genetic heritage, we all have two alleles of the same gene, ie twice the copy of the gene. One comes from our mother and one from our father.

Thumbnail imageA gene is called "dominant" when one altered allele is sufficient to express the abnormality. In this case, the parent who transmit it is ill too.

A gene is called "recessive" if both abnormal copies of it are necessary to express a disease. In this case, neither parent has an anomaly whereas they are both carriers of a defective copy of the gene. This is the case of ATM: it requires that each parent carries an altered allele and transmit it to their child.

So there is 1 in 4 chance that the couple had a child with ataxia telangiectasia. In rarer cases, an allele may be altered during design, giving the same result.


Genetic counseling and the opportunity to make a prenatal diagnosis is possible, but only if a child is already concerned within the family and whether the mutation causes the disease is identified.

link helvetica, physician sans-serif; font-size: 1em; background-color: #92d2dd; border: medium solid #333333; text-align: center;">In Europe, 1 in 100 000 people suffers from ataxia telangiectasia.


There are no ethnic, economic, geographic or education criteria to be suffering from AT. Girls and boys are affected the same way.

Thumbnail image In France

Two recent French studies statistics (see research ) suggests that there are currently about 150 cases in France of patients with AT. Given the life expectancy of these patients and unidentified cases, the average prevalence is approximately 1 / 100, 000, value considered valid throughout Europe.

Other countries


  • 1 / 300 000 in the United Kingdom according to AT Society. (english AT charity)
  • 1/40 000 (in the USA) according to the americans of AT Children Project (US charity), maybe more if we consider all children, especially younger ones, who are deceased but have not been properly diagnosed.

These figures seem very different, varying by a factor of 10. However, the English estimate seems low taking into account that about 1% of the population is carrying the defective ATM gene and that it is recessive (see Transmission). The U.S. estimate seems a bit high but we do not know on what basis it references.

Note that these very low probabilities are significantly increased when inbreeding, and this for all the recessive diseases. It is obvious: there is a much stronger chance of finding the alteration of a gene within a family, so both in a man and a woman being relatives, even distant.

Thumbnail imageIn all cases, these statistics are impressive at first sight and exacerbate feelings of loneliness. Are we really alone? ... Well not more in facing the disease (7000 identified rare diseases) than in considering medical research: there are 250,000 new cases of cancer each year in France and the ATM gene may play a role for some of them. Therefore, it is regularly under the microscope objectives of researchers ..

L' AT, c'est quoi?

L'ataxie télangiectasie (AT) est une maladie rare, neurodégénérative et immunodépressive, maladie héréditaire qui affecte de nombreuses parties du corps et provoque de graves incapacités... SUITE

La recherche

La recherche sur le gène ATM en France et dans le monde. Comment combattre une maladie comme l'ataxie télangiectasie? Les projets scientifiques d'AT Europe.

Carte des soignants

La carte de tous les soignants proches de l'AT en France (DOM-TOM compris), avec les centres de compétences de nos réseaux partenaires CEREDIH et NEUROGENE et les soignants, médecins et paramédicaux, indiqués par les familles.


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Etudes ouvertes aux familles


La base de données française tenue par le CEREDIH, partenaire privilégié d'ATEurope, renferme probablement les données médicales les plus complètes au monde et toutes les mutations génétiques des personnes françaises atteintes d'AT. Parlez-en à vos médecins!

La base de données française


Dans le cadre de la recherche d'un lien entre cancer du sein et gène ATM, l'étude CoF-AT de l'institut Curie rassemble des données sur les femmes hétérozygotes pour ce gène, c'est-à-dire porteuses saines d'une copie déficiente du gène comme peuvent l'être les mamans des enfants atteints d'AT et d'autres membres de leur famille. Faites-vous connaître!

Étude CoF-AT
l'institut Curie

Global AT family data project

ATCP aux USA vient de mettre en place une base de données mondiale liée à l'AT. Complémentaire de celle du CEREDIH, elle permet aux familles concernées de transmettre des données qui n'étaient pas recueillies jusque là, comme les imageries de type IRM ou scanner ou des informations liées aux aptitudes, au comportement ou encore à l'alimentation, etc. Parallèlement, un programme de recueil de 500 génomes complets est mis en place. Vous pouvez participer!

La base mondiale des autres données

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